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Modern HTML - Present Day

Fin is cool.

This website is a collection of projects by Finbar. They cover many different topics, from AI to artwork.

You are viewing the pure HTML version of the site.
The structure of the page utilises outdated HTML elements, such as <center> and <blockquote>, and contains no CSS or JavaScript.
This is intentional, as this version of the site aims to emulate how these elements were used in the past and demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of HTML.

Some inspiration for this version of the site was taken from Bjarne Stroustrup's website, Ted Nelson's Xanadu, and the W3C's history page.
These sites are examples of how the web looked in the past, and how it has evolved over time.

This page is a novel experiment in web design, and I hope you enjoy it. For a more modern experience, please visit the other version of the site.


Check out the blog for in-depth writeups on projects and other cool stuff. The first post is up, detailing the creation of L00T.


McDade Painting

A hand-made website for McDade Painting, a father-son painting company operating in Canberra and Sydney.
David McDade has been painting for over 30 years, and his son, Luka, has joined him in the business.

David has a wealth of experience in painting and decorating, with a strong network of clients in Canberra, Sydney, and the South Coast.
Luka is studying Interior Architecture at UNSW, and brings a fresh perspective to the business.
McDade Painting has operated largely through word-of-mouth, and he wanted to establish a web presence to reach a wider audience.
The McDade Painting website needed to reflect the professional and personal nature of the business, and to showcase the quality of their work.

When building the site, I gave priority to the images of the work, giving them space and prominence on the page. This allows the quality of the work to speak for itself.
The site is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is hosted using Netlify building from a GitHub repository.
I made sure to focus on responsive and scalable design, so that the site would look good on any device.

McDade Painting Homepage

Sideseam Sewing

Sideseam is a sewing studio in Canberra, Australia, that offers sewing classes and workshops.
It is run by Imogen Keen, a talented seamstress of more than 20 years and design teacher at the University of Canberra.

A strong emphasis was placed on the design of the site, as it needed to reflect the creative and welcoming atmosphere of the studio.
The site is intended to be used not only to promote the business, but also to enable clients to book classes and workshops.

Imogen wanted to establish a presence and brand tailored to personalised sewing classes and workshops, and to promote the studio as a space for people to learn and create.
The Sideseam website uses a monochrome colour palette, with the monospace Inconsolata font and a sparse, intentional layout to give a working-prototype feel to the site - that it is a creative project in progress.

The site is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is hosted using Netlify building from a GitHub repository.
I used Figma to work with the client to design the site, and then built it from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This workflow allowed for a high degree of customisation and control over the final product without having to rewrite large sections of code.

I used the Shopify Buy Button API to display and manage classes and implement a secure checkout system.
This allows the client to manage their classes and workshops through Shopify, and have the changes reflected on the site in real-time.

Sideseam Homepage


L00T is a web-based experiment in generative art and AI. It uses GPT-4o to generate unique items based on user input.
The item is then rendered in 3D using ThreeJS, allowing the user to inspect and share their creation.

The browser is a remarkable modern development platform.
With L00T, I wanted to focus on the seamless nature of a modern web application, requiring no installation or setup, and being accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

L00T Homepage


A work-in-progress first person game using ThreeJS as the graphics engine and CannonJS as the physics library.
Only for desktop at the moment, and can be quite demanding on your hardware.
This was a great way to learn more about 3D graphics, simulated physics, and game development in general. I will continue to develop it in the future.

ThreeJS FPS Homepage


Use DALLE to generate images from text, or input an image to have it described by AI.

aIMG Homepage

More to come... Soon...